
Brookies: healthier than imagined?

For more than 30 years, brook trout have been protected in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Keeping a brook trout anywhere in the park has been prohibited since 1976, and some brook trout streams were closed to fishing altogether. […]


Listen, kids: Father’s Day near

Every year as the end of May approaches, I struggle with Father’s Day presents — not the ones my kids get me, but the annual walk through sporting goods stores trying to figure out what my father needs. […]


Lite Bite

Sheepshead weren’t our primary target that morning, but when the conditions changed, they were a welcome substitute for the red drum we had initially planned to pursue. […]


Big Blue Bite

Sunset promised cooling conditions as Randy Willard pulled his truck off a dirt road into what served as a parking lot at the Wildlife Commission ramp downstream from Blewett Falls Dam. […]