No need for speed; slow is good

You can’t retrieve a MirrOlure too slowly; most strikes come when the bait is not moving.

Lee Parsons emphasizes that many fishermen fish too fast, especially with stickbaits like MirrOlures. His retrieve includes plenty of twitches and pauses, with current providing most of the forward movement. The idea is not to see how much water can be covered, but to entice fish to strike.

“Most of the strikes come during the pause,” Parsons said. “Some folks don’t think that because they first feel the fish when they start to twitch the lure again. That fish actually hit the lure while it was paused, but the fisherman didn’t feel it. Fishermen will have more success by fishing slowly and watching the line when the lure is paused. With braid line, the line will twitch slightly when a fish strikes, even if the line isn’t tight. Let the lure move naturally at the speed of the current, and that tic in the line might be all the notice you get at the time of the strike.”

Parsons said that with clean or smooth bottoms, he sometimes pauses long enough to allow the lure to reach the bottom and rest there momentarily. He said that, in some places, the current actually pushes it along the bottom. The idea is, a natural-looking lure moving along the bottom at current speed, maybe kicking up a little sand or mud, looks like an injured and easy-to-catch baitfish.

About Jerry Dilsaver 1180 Articles
Jerry Dilsaver of Oak Island, N.C., a full-time freelance writer, is a columnist for Carolina Sportsman. He is a former SKA National Champion and USAA Angler of the Year.

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