Match the hatch

Pick a MirrOlure by size and shape to match baitfish in an area. From top, 14, 17 and 27 sizes.

Guides Lee Parsons and Mark Dickson emphasize choosing lures that are the same body shape, size and color of the dominant forage in an area. Several of the Catch 2000 lures, plus the 52M and MR, TT and MirrOmullet, have the general body shape as a mullet, and all topwater MirrOlures have mullet shapes. The different sizes allow matching the size of the mullet that trout, drum and other predators are eating.

The 9MR and 19MR MirrOglass and MirrOminnow are slender lures that resemble glass minnows and silversides. The 9MR is smaller, with the 19 MR being an inch longer and more appropriate later in the year.

The 14MR, 17MR, 18MR, 27MR and 37MR MirrOdine Series lures are shaped like small menhaden or herring. These are mainly suspending twitchbaits that sink down about 24 inches, depending on salinity. However, the 18MR, named the Heavy-Dine, and the 37MR are heavier and sink faster and deeper. There are four sizes, with the 14MR being the smallest at 21/4 inches and 3/16-ounce, and the 37MR being the largest at 37/8 inches and 1 ounce. The 17MR is the most popular for speckled trout in the Carolinas at 25/8 inches and 3/8-ounce. The Heavy-Dine is the same size, but weighs an additional 1/16-ounce to sink faster.

The Soft-Dine series are soft versions of the MirrOdine lures. The SD is the same size and weight as the 17MR and the SDXL is lightly larger than the 27MR. Soft-Dine lures sink a little deeper than the MirrOdine series.

About Jerry Dilsaver 1179 Articles
Jerry Dilsaver of Oak Island, N.C., a full-time freelance writer, is a columnist for Carolina Sportsman. He is a former SKA National Champion and USAA Angler of the Year.

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