
Bring home the bacon

With hog-hunting regulations growing less stringent and the animals becoming more widespread, you’d think hunting them would be getting easier, but that’s not the case. […]

Hog Hunting

Calling all hogs

I have had some luck with a call to attract hogs. I can’t honestly say that it works all the time “as seen on TV,” but it’s probably going to do more good than harm to try it out. […]


Commission moves toward opening more opportunities to take hogs, coyotes

The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission took a step toward implementing a rule Thursday that allows for the taking of coyotes and feral swine by hunting on private lands at night with a light.

The rule would also allow the hunting of feral swine and coyotes on public lands from ½ hour after sunset to ½ before sunrise with a light by permit only. Night hunting is one means of controlling localized populations of coyotes and feral swine, both of which are non-native to North Carolina and destructive to the landscape. […]

Hog Hunting

It Ain’t Over

“Now I got to warn you up front,” said veteran hog hunter Scott Emery of Blue Ridge, “this ain’t like any other kinds of hunting. That hog’s not going to trot off with his tail stuck in the air like a deer — he may just put his head down and come after you.” […]