Inshore Fishing

Save your memories now

In a world of Youtube, Vimeo, Instagram and Vine, along with social media networks built to carry videos and images readily, it only makes sense for people to want to video and photograph their exploits while on the water. […]

Bass Fishing

Dial up a C-rig for March

It’s sort of old fashioned, and it doesn’t nearly have the appeal of the latest hot fishing fad, but even if your tackle box is filled with Alabama rigs, you’d better know how to tie and fish a Carolina rig. […]

Bass Fishing

Overlooked March tactics

When it comes to March, we all have visions of a giant bass blasting a spinnerbait or that heart-stopping lipless crankbait bite, but are there things we are missing? […]

Freshwater Fishing

Cold-front finesse fishing

The frequent cold fronts that wash over North Carolina in late February and through March can cause crappie to halt their progression toward the shallows, sink deep into brush or other cover and be hard to catch.  […]

Freshwater Fishing

Stump’s jigs and flies

In a world full of soft plastics where innovation in crappie jigs are the equivalent of a clip-on tie, a dyed-in-the-wool crappie fisherman has a hard time finding a quality, hand-tied crappie jig.  […]