Occoneechee Hunting Lodge

Around 8,000 of Occoneechee Hunting Lodge’s 10,000 acres are managed for big bucks.

Occoneechee Hunting Lodge is near Jackson, N.C., in Northampton County, N.C., just a few miles east of I-95, which makes it very accessible by road. The property also has a grass airstrip near the lodge.

The lodge and most of the 7,000 nearby acres are on historical Occoneechee Neck, a unique finger of land that is bordered on three sides by the Roanoke River; most of the acreage can be traced back to original land grants from Great Britain, and many tracts have stayed in the original families’ ownership. Another 3,000 acres is on the south side of the Roanoke River in Edgecombe County near Whitakers, N.C.

About 8,000 acres is managed with an 8-point buck minimum; 2,000 acres are managed with no restrictions for hunters more interested in venison than antlers. Hunting is from elevated stands

Occoneechee Hunting Lodge (www.deerhuntingnc.com) is in North Carolina’s Eastern Deer Section, which has the longest firearms seasons, blackpowder running Sept. 30-Oct. 13 and gun season running Oct. 14-Jan. 1, with antlerless deer legal at any time.

About Jerry Dilsaver 1175 Articles
Jerry Dilsaver of Oak Island, N.C., a full-time freelance writer, is a columnist for Carolina Sportsman. He is a former SKA National Champion and USAA Angler of the Year.

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