S.C. hunters, it’s time to apply for lottery deer hunts

lottery hunt
South Carolina hunters can apply for the public lottery deer hunts through Aug. 15, 2019.

Applications will be accepted through Aug. 15

The SCDNR holds public lottery deer hunts on Wildlife Management Areas across the state. Any licensed hunter can apply for the hunts. Through the lottery hunts, the agency gives the public a chance to hunt land that is intensively managed for wildlife. This means hunters are more likely to get a chance to shoot a deer than they would be on an average piece of land that isn’t tended to with hunting in mind.

When hunters apply for lottery hunts, they build up preference points if they are not selected. These points add up, giving them a better chance at being selected the next time around.

The SCDNR is now accepting applications for lottery hunts for the 2019-2020 deer hunting season. The deadline to apply is Aug. 15. Hunts are available for archery and gun. Six properties have antler restrictions. And new this year are three properties without antler restrictions.

Hunters who have applied in the past still have all their preference points built up for the six properties that have antler restrictions. For the three new properties, all applicants start with 0 preference points.

Click here to apply for lottery deer hunts, and see below for locations and dates of all the hunts.

Unrestricted Multi-Site Still Gun

Locations County Hunt Dates
(Multi-site hunt periods are 2 1/2 days)
Bear Island WMA Colleton 10/14-16; 10/21-23; 10/28-30
Bonneau Ferry WMA (Side A) Berkeley 10/3-5; 10/10-12; 10/17-19; 10/24-26; 10/31-11/2; 11/7-9; 11/14-16; 11/21-23; 12/2-4; 12/9-11; 12/16-18
Donnelley WMA Colleton 10/7-9; 10/14-16; 10/21-23; 11/4-6; 11/11-13; 11/18-20

Multi-Site Still Gun

Locations County Hunt Dates
(Multi-site hunt periods are 2 1/2 days)
Belfast WMA Laurens 10/14-16; 10/21-23; 11/11-13; 11/18-20; 11/25-27
Botany Bay Heritage Preserve and WMA Charleston 10/14-16; 10/21-23; 11/11-13; 11/18-20; 12/9-11; 12/16-18
Hamilton Ridge WMA Hampton 10/10-12; 10/24-26; 11/7-9; 11/14-16; 12/5-7
Palachucola WMA Hampton 10/17-19; 10/31-11/2; 11/7-9; 11/21-23; 12/12-14
Wateree Heritage Preserve Richland 10/14-16; 10/28-30; 11/11-13; 11/25-27

Webb WMA Still Gun Hunts

Locations County Hunt Dates
(Hunt period is 2 days)
Webb WMA Hampton 10/4-5; 10/11-12; 10/18-19; 10/21-22; 10/25-26; 11/4-5; 11/11-12; 11/15-16; 11/18-19; 11/22-23; 12/6-7; 12/9-10

Webb WMA Archery Hunt

Locations County Hunt Dates
Webb WMA Archery Hampton 10/30-11/2

Click here for information about North Carolina’s lottery hunts.

About Brian Cope 3052 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at brianc@carolinasportsman.com.