10-point Pitt County buck



10-point buck suddenly appeared

I had been after this Pitt County 10-point buck all season. Never once saw this deer in the daylight. I thought I knew where he was bedded down but could never cross paths with him. I figured I needed to hunt the swamp to kill him but after not seeing much down there, I decided to stick to the field where I knew I would see deer.

Wednesday, Nov. 9, I hunted in the evening and saw a lot of deer including a few small bucks. I went home and told my wife I was going back Thursday morning before work because I had a gut feeling he might slip up. I got in the stand at 5:50. And right at daylight I had a small 6-point walk directly to my stand. Shortly after, I noticed a doe step out about 120 yards away. I look back at the 6-pointer and then back at her and there he was, standing broadside right behind her. I couldn’t believe it.

I grabbed my Remington 7 mag and begin taking deep breaths to calm down. I couldn’t stop shaking long enough to get a clean shot off. I knew I had to hurry so I took one last deep breath and squeezed the trigger. I looked up and he was gone. Luckily I dropped him dead in his tracks. A hunt I’ll never forget.

–Cameron Eatmon


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