Catch more redfish in the Pawleys Island surf
By November, many anglers have stored their fishing gear and won’t take it out until the spring, opting for hunting, football or cozying up by the fire drinking hot chocolate, but this is a great [...]
Big, Outer Banks red drum have pier visits on their itineraries
October is a special month for many of North Carolina’s fisheries, and none more so than the Outer Banks’ adult red drum stampede. Pier fishermen will get the first taste of reds longer than 40 [...]
Time to run the bulls – Hunting Island State Park offers great surf-fishing for fall bull reds
When it comes to inshore fishing in South Carolina, the redfish is king. They’re aggressive feeders willing to take numerous baits, and hard fighters, especially on light tackle.
Pier Patrol — Fish these 11 fishing piers this summer
Pier fishing is one of South Carolina’s oldest angling traditions, and July has always been a great month for catching fish from these structures. With the water temperature averaging a balmy 83 degrees, fish like [...]
Summer means super sharking in Edisto’s surf
While plenty of surf fishermen catch sharks while targeting other species, a group of Lowcountry anglers from the Requiem Fishing Team targets sharks — big ones — and Edisto is one of their choice locations [...]
Coastal piers offer great king mackerel fishing
Fishermen try their luck for king mackerel from almost every pier along the North Carolina coast. On Oak Island, the meat of the pier king season runs from roughly the first of May to the [...]
Pier fishing: It’s about much more than catching fish
Fishing piers offer many advantages to anglers over fishing from the beaches or from boats. But for most pier anglers, it's about much more than just catching fish.
Three tips for taking more Spanish mackerel from piers
The Spanish mackerel have showed up a little earlier than normal this year around Grand Strand piers, and anglers are catching them using three different methods. Angler Matthew Hearn of Murrells Inlet said the bite [...]
Special equipment is often needed by pier anglers
Pier fishing requires specialized tools, some of which are provided by each pier operator. One of the most important, according to Mount Pleasant’s Jerry Grenier, is a pier net.
Bonneau guide shares surf fishing tips for catching the inshore slam
The inshore slam – catching a flounder, redfish and speckled trout on the same trip – is not as easy task any time. Joe Dennis, a fishing guide from Bonneau, feels like October and November [...]
Specks from the planks – Speckled trout are favorite targets for pier fishermen in the Carolinas
Speckled trout are a favorite target for many saltwater fishermen throughout the Carolinas. Fairly adaptable, they can be found from the nearshore ocean through the marshes and rivers to brackish water and sometimes into waters [...]