Cooking on the Wild Side

Flounder Parmesan rules

I’ve said this several times, but it bears repeating — September is the toughest month of the year to decide on a recipe. That really shouldn’t be a surprise though; fall begins in September, and with it there are all kinds of hunting and fishing opportunities for sportsmen in the Carolinas. […]

Cooking on the Wild Side

Fishburgers to the rescue

August is the hottest month in the Carolinas. There is often a break of a couple of cooler days in mid-month, but other than that, the sun is beating down and threatening even fish with third-degree sunburn. It doesn’t help that the humidity also hovers around the 80- to 90-percent level like the barometer is broken. […]


Try nachos with tuna

We’ve made it to May, and the spring weather has settled in and been pretty nice for a while. The temperatures have been warm most of the time since March, but sometimes the wind has blown hard enough that fishing really hasn’t been an option. […]


Wrap a turkey in bacon

April is a special time in the Carolinas. Spring is busting out all over, and there are numerous opportunities for freshwater and saltwater fishing, plus, it’s turkey season. […]

Cooking on the Wild Side

Spice up Brunswick stew

The past few winters in the Carolinas have been different. I can recall winter breaking sometime during February and March, being spring-like, even if not particularly warm. […]

Cooking on the Wild Side

Prime time for oysters

This month, I’m going to deviate a little from the usual fur, fin or feather dishes and offer a recipe for oysters; it’s a guest recipe and very tasty. […]