Avoid food plot failures

The best food plot locations aren’t always where it’s the most convenient for landowners. (Picture by Jeff Burleson)

Summertime is just about over, and deer season has finally arrived to North and South Carolina. But it’s not too late to plant a selection of cool season varieties. In fact, September is prime time to plant food plots in the South. If land managers avoid the main culprits, the fall plantings can surely bring satisfaction and success in one way or another.

Deer in North and South Carolina receive the benefits of our booming agriculture economy. Throughout the summer and early fall months, deer typically get to feast on a massive assortment of soybeans, peanuts, and corn. And in some parts of the state, deer get extra special treatment with sweet potatoes in their diet. In fact, the Tarheel State leads the nation with 65 percent of America’s sweet potato production. But even in agriculture-rich areas, food plots are crucial to deer and deer hunters. And now is the time to plant.

Growing fall food plots can be a simple and rewarding task, but can be disappointing if planted ineffectively. Food plot failures generally result from either poor site selection, deficient planting techniques, poor planting conditions, and sometimes all of the above and more.

Pick your plot

Site selection is among the most important aspect to a successful fall food plot. Quite often, hunters choose a site to plant that is convenient for them, but not so convenient for the seeds. Sure it is nice to utilize an area next to a deer stand that is already open or already has been cleared off, or a logging deck after the loggers have departed. But the chosen site needs the right conditions for seeds to thrive.

The food plot site needs rich soil with organic matter present, but moderately well-drained soils at the same time. Plants need some level of moisture, but should be able to drain well after a rain.

Food plots must also have access to the sun. Plants need sunlight in order to photosynthesize and to produce energy and abundant green growth. Five to six hours of full sun should be a minimum for the best results.

Secondly, deficient planting techniques cause a big issue and can bring turmoil to the land manager hoping for a field of greens. Food plots need a well-prepared seed bed from a disk harrow, tiller, or other mechanism that breaks up the soil. While seeds must be covered up with soil, often the seeds are planted too deep, resulting in a plot failure.

The right tool for the job:
The right equipment can make quick work of preparing and planting food plots, especially when those food plots are in out-of-the-way areas. (Picture by Jeff Burleson)

Seeds contain a large carbohydrate-rich base that will fuel the germinated seed from the darkness of the soil to the soil surface. If seeds are planted too deep, the tiny plants run out of gas and die without ever seeing the big, beautiful sun. Smaller seeds barely need any soil over them, and larger seeds can be planted a little deeper. But none of the seeds should be planted any deeper than 1 or 2 inches, and most food plot seeds can do well when planted less than an inch from the soil surface. Seed depth is critically important for the success of any fall food plot.

Make it worth it

Lastly, too many land managers plant their fall food plots when it’s convenient. While this notion seems like common sense, planting under poor environmental conditions can be a real plot killer. Remember, as soon as a seed germinates, the tiny plants are vulnerable to their environments. Planting during extreme drought or just before a hurricane or major rain event can be dismal. For the best results, land managers should keep an eye on the weather, and make sure they plant at the optimal times when the soil is moist from some recent rains, but not prior to a major hurricane. It only takes two to three weeks to get the fall food plot plants past the critical phase so early in their growth cycle. And then, the rain can come to fuel these plants to perfection.

While these three sources are among the major culprits of plot failures, other conditions can result in less-than-desired results. Heavy browsing, unbalanced pH, and the lack of critical nutrients can make a plot bottom out long before the deer get the chance to get a belly full of greens. But if done right, the time and financial investments in fall food plots will be well worth it.

About Jeff Burleson 1316 Articles
Jeff Burleson is a native of Lumberton, N.C., who lives in Myrtle Beach, S.C. He graduated from N.C. State University with a degree in fisheries and wildlife sciences and is a certified biologist and professional forester for Southern Palmetto Environmental Consulting.

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