It’s time for NC’s Urban Archery Season
In most of the Carolinas, deer hunting season ends on Jan. 1 or Jan. 2, depending on which game zone you hunt. But an often overlooked opportunity to bag deer cranks back up on Jan. 14 and runs through Feb. 19 in North Carolina. It’s the Urban Archery Season, which is held in certain cities, towns and villages across the state.
As the name implies, this special season is only open to archery hunters. NCWRC stresses to hunters that this is not a state-wide season, and is only open in select municipalities. A list of these can be found in the 2022-23 NC Regulations booklet, and on the regulations website at
Urban Archery Season info
The following information comes from NCWRC:
The intention of the Urban Archery Season is to enable cities, towns and villages to reduce urban deer populations through increased hunter opportunity. Hunting during the Urban Archery Season is allowed ONLY in participating municipalities.
Each city, town and village will decide if hunting is allowed on public property and restrictions, if any, for hunting on private property within the city, town and village limits.
Hunters wishing to hunt in an area participating in the Urban Archery Season should call the participating city, town or village or visit its website to obtain a map showing lawful areas to hunt and additional information on specific restrictions that may apply to each area.
The Urban Archery Season does not obligate private landowners to allow hunting on their property, nor does it eliminate the ethical requirement for obtaining permission from the landowner before hunting. Hunters are legally required to obtain written permission to hunt on posted property.
Season bag and possession limits for both antlerless and antlered deer, including Bonus Anterless Harvest Report Cards, that apply to the general archery, blackpowder, and gun deer seasons also apply to the Urban Archery Season.
Deer of either sex may be harvested in participating areas during the Urban Archery Season.
Don’t see your hometown?
The Urban Archery Season is available for cities, towns and villages that submit to the Wildlife Resources Commission by April 1 of each year a letter of intent to participate in the season. A map (no larger than 11” X 17”) clearly defining the area included in the season should also accompany the letter of intent. Interested municipalities should call the Wildlife Management Division at 919-707-0050 and request to be contacted by a district wildlife biologist.
Air bows not allowed
NCWRC officials would also like to make sure hunters understand that air bows (airguns that shoot arrows) are not authorized to use during the Urban Archery Season.
Air-powered arrow guns are gaining in popularity. They do not have strings or cables, so they are not considered archery equipment. They are considered rifles, just as other airguns are, and hunters can not use them during archery-only seasons.
NCWRC’s regulations booklet states that “archery equipment is defined as any device that has a solid stationary handle with two limbs and a string that uses non-pneumatic means to propel a single arrow or bolt.”
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