Warren County hunter killed 10-point buck
Laura Tucker’s idea of trick-or-treating on Halloween was going hunting. And she got exactly what she was hoping for on Oct. 31.
“It was all treats and no tricks for me this year!” she said. “I had a spooky good evening in Warren County and I was able to harvest a deer we nicknamed Floppy due to his broken ear that hung down.”
Tucker had a history with the buck. It was mainly through trail camera photos over the past few years.
“I’d seen this deer through the past few seasons on trail cameras,” Tucker said. “And he showed up that Tuesday morning while I was at work.”
She got in the stand that evening and didn’t see the buck. But minutes after she left the stand, her Stealth Cam sent photos of the deer to her phone.
“The following day, I was not able to get in the stand, and he showed up right after dark on camera,” she said. “I knew I had to get in the stand that next day.”
She and her husband Preston arrived at their hunting property, and he went to one stand. She went to another. It was not a typical late October evening.
“It was warm and breezy, and the mosquitos were awful,” she said. “I turned on my Thermacell and hoped for the best.”
She waited, and the wind died down a little. She waited some more.
And then the magic happened.
“Finally, a hot doe that I saw earlier in the week came out, and Floppy followed her right into the corn pile,” said Tucker. “I lifted my trusty .270 Tikka and fired, and Floppy was down. Dropped him right where he stood. I was shaking, and could hardly catch my breath, I was so excited.”
Tucker wins a two-person, 2-day hunting trip to Cherokee Run Hunting Lodge in Chesterfield County, SC, a 1-year subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, and a Carolina Sportsman prize package.
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