Lake City
Florence County SC
Grendel Hunter 6.5 grendel
100 yards
Elevated stand
Fell immediately
My son, Turner, and I went to put out corn the Friday before opening day about 11:00am and this 10 point was standing in the bean field looking at us. We knew if he was there in the middle of the day, he would be around later in the evenings so we decided to hunt him the first chance we had which was opening day. We were sitting in the stand that evening watching some bucks in the field and about 80 yards to our left, three bucks came walking out. He was one of the three. I put the rifle on the rail of the tree stand and handed it to Turner. The buck was walking straight away from us, so I whistled one time to get him to stop. When I did, he turned broad side and looked around to see what the noise was. Turner made a good shot on him and he fell in the bean field. This makes the second opening day in a row that he had killed 10 point bucks with velvet hanging from the left side.