Massive buck weighed 215 pounds
Jackson Quick of Bennettsville, SC killed a massive buck in Marlboro County, SC on Aug. 21, 2024 while saddle hunting at 7:55 p.m. He arrowed the deer from less than 15 yards away with his Hoyt Torrex compound bow. It was a buck he let walk on multiple occasions during the 2023 deer hunting season. The 9-point buck weighed 215 pounds.
“I set my XOP Mondo saddle up at 7 p.m. I heard what I thought was a couple of squirrels behind me, so I paid no attention to it,” said Quick.
But as the sound came closer, he realized it wasn’t squirrels after all.
“The ‘squirrels’ got closer and closer, and it was actually a 15-buck bachelor group with my target buck at the back,” he said.
From there, things couldn’t have gone much better.
“The smaller bucks began to eat acorns from a white oak. My target buck proceeded to follow them right to me at less than 15 yards,” he said.
Quick had a clean shot, so he let his arrow fly.
“I watched the lighted arrow nock fall right above his shoulder, and heard a loud ‘pop,'” he said. “After a high mule kick, the deer took off. Less than 30 seconds later, I heard a loud crash. I was in the tree at 7, and he was on the ground at 8.”
Bag A Buck Contest
Congratulations to Quick, who is now in the running for our monthly prize of a free 1-year subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, a Sportsman hat, a two-pack of Lowcountry Seasonings, as well as our Grand Prize, which includes a 1-year-subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, a Sportsman hat, and a 2-day, two-person hunt at Cherokee Run Hunting Lodge in Chesterfield, SC.
See all the bucks entered so far, and upload yours at