Youths ages 17 and under invited to open hunt on Sept. 6
The S.C. Department of Natural Resources, in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service, will host a special youth dove hunt in Union County on Saturday, Sept. 6
The hunt will be held at the U.S. Forest Service’s Herbert Field about 5.6 miles southeast of Carlisle. Only youths 17 years old or younger will be allowed to show, and they must be accompanied by an adult age 21 or older. Adults or youths under age 16 do not have to have a hunting license, WMA permit or Migratory Bird Permit.
Adults can bring one or two youth, but only one youth may handle a loaded firearm at any time, and adults must remain in the field and supervising participating youth at all times.
Herbert Field has about 40 acres planted in sunflowers, corn and browntop millet. Summer plantings have done well, and there is abundant food for doves available. The field can accommodate a large number of young hunters.
There is no cost, pre-registration or drawing required to attend this youth hunt. Just plan to wear drab clothing and bring sunscreen, insect repellant and drinking water. The hunt will be an afternoon hunt; no one will be allowed in the field until noon. There will be no shooting after 6 p.m., and hunters will be limited to 50 shells..
To reach the Herbert Field, from Carlisle, so south on Pinckney Street, which turns into Herbert Road (SR 37), and go 5.6 miles, then turn right on St. Luke’s Road (SR 359). The parking area is under the power line off St. Luke’s Road.
For questions on the youth dove hunt, or for more information, contact the Union office of the S.C. Department of Natural Resources at 864-427-5140 or contact the U.S. Forest Service Enoree Office at 864-427-9858.
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