Deer of the Year

Hunter ‘re-racks’ a little/big Beaufort County trophy

Bryan Hughes of Hilton Head still doesn’t know what happened the first time he pulled the trigger on Oct. 11. Sitting in a ground blind, looking down a 125-yard shooting lane in the middle of an 80-acre cutover in southern Beaufort County, he squeezed off a shot at a buck he described as looking “like he had a big fan on his head waving around.” […]

Deer Hunting

Lee County trophy is first Bag A Buck contest winner

Jason Boyd thought his hunting buddy was walking behind his stand the afternoon of Sept. 17 — that’s how heavy the footsteps sounded. But Boyd, “jasonb1988” on, turned and instead saw a huge buck coming through a stand of oaks toward his climbing stand. […]

Deer of the Year

Teen girl gets leg up on boys with trophy 8-pointer

Renn Guthrie, a junior at Orangeburg Prep, has got something most of her male classmates can only dream about: a trophy buck.

Guthrie, 16, took a big 8-pointer the afternoon of Sept. 12 in Calhoun County while hunting with her father, Jimmy, who had seen the buck shortly after the season opened.