Deer Hunting

Hunter kills 350-pound boar while completing Cherokee Run Southern Slam

Getting a “slam” in any sport is a good thing. Inshore anglers strive for the Inshore Slam, catching three popular species on the same trip. Turkey hunters go after their grand slam, in which they travel the country to kill every species of the big game bird in the nation. Bass anglers go after the bass slam, catching all seven black bass species. […]

Deer of the Year

North Augusta hunter kills 12-point, 134-inch velvet buck…

Zacheriah Mellott killed two trophy bucks, both in full velvet on Aug. 16, and if that sounds greedy, it was anything but. He could have shot quite a few more if he’d wanted to, but after his wife killed a velvet buck on opening day last year, he was just happy to join — then pass her — as a member of the velvet club. […]

Wylie flatheads

Wylie flatheads thrive after dark

Flathead catfish in Lake Wylie are growing in both numbers and size, and in the middle of summer, the best time to fish for these monsters is well after dark for three good reasons, according to guide Rodger Taylor of Rock Hill.
