Bass Fishing

Stanley Top Toad

A leading artificial lure manufacturer’s newest pride and joy jumped like a real frog to the forefront of bass fishing circles very quickly in early 2013. […]


Shotgunning fun

An attorney friend who knows a little more about guns than I do about the dark side of the moon — but not much more — was wandering around a regional gun show, looking for I’m not sure what. […]


You dropped WHAT overboard?

Shortly after handheld GPS units became small enough to fit in a pocket, I remember a fellow outdoor writer lamenting about losing his. He somehow dropped it as he stepped from a boat to a dock over water 30 feet deep. […]


Bigeye facts

Dr. Craig Brown, chief of the highly migratory species branch of NOAA Fisheries in Miami is an expert on bigeye tuna biology. Here are some of his observations: […]