Bass Fishing

Arbogast Buzz Plug

Just when you thought you might, just might have seen it all as far as artificial lures designed to fool bass, well — you know what they said about just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. […]


Can we talk?

The National Marine Electronics Association is the organization responsible for setting standards for marine electronics, including those for communication between units. […]

Deer Hunting

Wildlife Habitat Initiative: Carolina Woods & Water

Powell Kemp is one of the three owner/operators of Carolina Woods and Water based in Halifax Co., N.C. With more than 15,000 acres of privately owned lands under its control, Kemp is able to practice true herd management in one of the most productive agriculture regions in the state. […]

Inshore Fishing

Rigging secrets

Tarpon are the largest and the most-powerful inshore target available to anglers during any time of year. The migrating tarpon frequenting South Carolina waters can weigh between 50 and 150 pounds. […]