
The Matrix Minnow

One good hard bait deserves another, and that is what Chas Champagne of Slidell has done with the introduction this month of the Matrix Minnow. […]


It’s an exotic thing

January marks the end of hunting seasons across most of the country, with some ending at the first of the month, some at the end. Bowhunters are often at a loss when they realize they’re face a long offseason, wishing they were in a tree stand. […]

Freshwater Fishing

Dry weather is a variable

Western North Carolina and South Carolina’s Upstate had the driest summer and fall on record, seasons marked by scores of wildfires, closures of state parks, burning bans and water restrictions. […]

Freshwater Fishing

Forage is key to January

January’s unpredictable weather, along with cold water temperatures, is a given, and it makes targeting a single species of fish on the Santee Cooper lakes risky in terms of enjoying good action — but fast action and quality fish are available. A key is to allow the weather and water conditions to dictate what’s best at any given time.  […]

Freshwater Fishing

A vote for white perch

Plenty of fishermen in North Carolina and South Carolina haven’t been exactly excited about the proliferation of white perch, morone americana, in many reservoirs, Anglers targeting catfish love them for cut bait, but many bemoan the loss of white bass fisheries that are common where white perch have taken over. […]

Freshwater Fishing

When it’s tough, think small for huge fish

During January, the water temperature at Lake Russell typically dips close to its lowest level of the year. When it does — and the big striper bite slows ­— guides Wendell Wilson and Jerry Kotal have found that thinking small can yield big results. […]