Inshore Fishing

Skinny Water = Winter Reds

Many anglers park their boats in the winter and retreat indoors, missing out on some of the most exciting fishing of the year. The landings are not crowded, water clarity is as good as it gets, and the reds are schooling in big numbers.

Fishing for winter reds can be particularly good in and around the Beaufort River. Fish can be caught on lures, flies and natural bait. During low-tide phases, reds can easily be found on skinny-water flats, according to Capt. Tuck Scott of Beaufort’s Bay Street Outfitters.

“Skinny water warms faster, so on sunny days, fish stay warmer there,” Scott said. “Skinny water also provides safety from dolphin, and most importantly, it makes it even easier to see large schools of reds in the clear water.” […]

Hog Hunting

Hog Heaven

Freddie Stancil and his grandson, Jared Raynor, paused to point out an area where hogs had been rooting for grubs and acorns. […]


Improve the forest: cut some trees!

New Year’s Day is one of the most dreaded days on the calendar. Thousands of deer hunters out there spend long hours perched high above the ground, sitting motionless, awaiting the presence of a large-racked beast in their sights. […]