grouper kabobs

Cheeky grouper kabobs make a great meal

August may be hot, but there is plenty happening for sportsmen in the Carolinas. Saltwater fishing has been good all summer, and some freshwater species are beginning to become active again. Deer hunters in parts of South Carolina get a head start in mid-August, and a lot of migratory bird seasons open Sept. 1. […]

food plot

The simpler, the better for food plot strategy

Food-plot productivity and success is mostly a factor of pure science. Growing a hearty food plot is a product of complex chemical reactions through a laundry list of catalysts required to make the engine roar. While growers can plan everything out down to the number of seeds and the pounds of fertilizer, Mother Nature is still in the driver’s seat.  […]


Cover: August 2018

Mackerel, kings and Spanish, are No. 1 in North Carolina’s nearshore waters this month. Deer season opens in South Carolina. Mackerel photo by David Brown. Deer cover by Rick Small. […]


Speed kings – Keep SE NC mackerel on the run

Sure, most anglers who land king mackerel big enough to win tournaments use live menhaden or mullet as bait, but the typical weekend warriors can make fishing more fun by concentrating on efficiency and, who knows,  still might catch a citation king or Spanish mackerel. All that is necessary is switching to lures and frozen squid. […]

Off Grid Tools’ Survival Axe

Off Grid Tools’ Survival Axe

My son, the Eagle Scout, is in his late 20s now, but I can only imagine how he’d have been the toast of his troop 10 years ago if he’d showed up at camp with an Off Grid Tools’ survival axe. […]

Shimano’s Curado casting rods
Bass Fishing

Shimano’s Curado casting rods

Lightweight, strong, sensitive and affordable. Those are all great attributes for a bass fishing rod, but they don’t always go together. Usually, the affordable part is left out when the other three are mentioned but that’s not the case with Shimano’s Curado casting rods. […]