Training collars can tone down disobedient beagles

A pack of beagles in the dog box is raring to go in cottontail rabbit territory.

Training collars for dogs, also known as “shock collars” can be the difference between a poor dog and a great dog, according to rabbit hunter Eric Braselton, who said using them is “essential” for good training.

“If they get on a deer, I need to let them know immediately that is not okay, so I will hit the shock button to let them know that is a bad thing.” said Braselton, whose collars have another feature that keeps him from having to use the shock very often.

“My collars have a beep or tone, and I will play the tone the dogs can hear first,” he said. “This is like a warning. If they do not change their behavior, then I may give them a mild shock.”

Braselton explains that once a dog is shocked, regardless of how mild, he seldom has to use the shock again, preferring to use the tone instead.

About Pete Rogers 167 Articles
Pete Rogers of Taylors, S.C., is employed with the USDA Wildlife Services and has been a sporting writer and photographer for over a decade. He has a real passion for trapping and enjoys sharing his outdoors experiences with his wife and five children.

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