Lee Lakosky, co-host with his wife, Tiffany, of The Crush television show, has developed a way to hunt rubs that is unique and very beneficial, particularly for bow hunters.
Especially when hunting a large food plot or open area, Lakosky will pick out and cut trees on his hunting property that deer seem to like rubbing and “plant” them in the opening within range of his stand.
Lakosky cuts a 10- to 12-foot tall length of tree that is between 4 to 6 inches in diameter and plants it in a hole about 20 to 25 yards from his bow stand, easily visible from many directions and at a great distance. Near the top, he drills two 1½-inch holes through the tree, and into these he places a mock “licking branch” that hangs about head-high on a mature deer.
Near the bottom of the tree, where a buck would normally rub, the bark is removed and the trunk is “rubbed” to make a definite signpost for deer to see and visit. Lakosky said that when a buck visits the tree and deposits his scent, the tree starts to get a lot more visits. This technique enables hunters to find, locate and position mature bucks for clean, ethical kills.
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