Lexington South Carolina
Barnett crossbow
40 yards
Ground blind
Ran 50 yards
Been watching him for 2 years
I’ve been watching this buck for 2 years now. I spooked him and another 8 and a 6 point earlier in the season. It was nearing dark I could barely see anymore after watching a cow horn for 20 minutes I decided to pack everything up and head on out the stand. I seen something flicker out the corner of my eye how I saw it I don’t know. But I thru my crossbow up looked thru the scope and it was him I knew he wasn’t going to stay long since I spooked him he comes in and stays 1-2 minutes then leaves he just happened to walk in and stand perfectly. The good lord put him and me where we needed to be. After watching him for 2 years he will look great on the living room wall. My 4 year old was amazed at the deer he will be going with me soon on his first hunt. My youngest son looks pretty amazed at it in the photo lol. I hope I can be featured on Facebook or website even if I don’t win the contest