Brent Meche’s 115-pound spike

115-pound spike

My name is Brent Meche from Fort Mill South Carolina. I was hunting Game Land in Chester County today, 10/13/2023, with a 30-06 rifle when I killed this 115 lb. cow horn spike.

Bag A Buck Contest

Congratulations to Meche, who is now in the running for our monthly prize of a free 1-year subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, a Mini Maglite, an 18-ounce Yeti Rambler, a two-pack of Lowcountry Seasonings, as well as our Grand Prize, which includes a 3-year-subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, a 2-day two-person hunt at Cherokee Run Hunting Lodge in Chesterfield, SC, and other prizes to be determined.

See all the bucks entered so far, and upload yours at, or email photo and detailed info to

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