Massive main frame 8 with a kicker
Had the big 8 coming in like clock work every morning staying 30 minutes or more each morning but my son had ball games opening weekend and a busy work week had me worried he was gonna leave soon. But luckily he stayed and it worked out on 9-19-21, the next weekend.
Got into the stand around 5:45 a.m. after checking my Spypoint cellular camera making sure there wasn’t any deer in there. Wasn’t long after around 6:35 a.m. I saw two nice bucks headed my way. I knew instantly that one was the big 8. The wind was perfect and he came right in at 35-40 yards. I killed him around 6:45 a.m., hitting him a little high and knocking him straight down. He is a nice Davidson County buck for sure. Taxidermist said he should be in the mid to low 140s but hasn’t taped him out yet. Will update soon.
–Ashley Miller
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