
Try a pot of goulash

The past few winters in the Carolinas have all had at least one unique weather episode, and several have headed from winter to spring and then stutter-stepped as if they couldn’t decide what to do. […]

Cooking on the Wild Side

Seafood lasagna fills bill

Last February, I deviated a little from the usual, fin, fur or feather recipes and offered a recipe for oysters. Many of you took the time to let me know you appreciated it, so I’m going to do it again. […]

Cooking on the Wild Side

Stuff a few mini-peppers

I was talking with someone the other day, and the subject of aging came up. They asked if it bothered me, and my response was not as long as I get to spend time with people whose company I enjoy and get outside to do things I like.  […]

Cooking on the Wild Side

Flounder Parmesan rules

I’ve said this several times, but it bears repeating — September is the toughest month of the year to decide on a recipe. That really shouldn’t be a surprise though; fall begins in September, and with it there are all kinds of hunting and fishing opportunities for sportsmen in the Carolinas. […]

Cooking on the Wild Side

Fishburgers to the rescue

August is the hottest month in the Carolinas. There is often a break of a couple of cooler days in mid-month, but other than that, the sun is beating down and threatening even fish with third-degree sunburn. It doesn’t help that the humidity also hovers around the 80- to 90-percent level like the barometer is broken. […]