Bass Fishing

Small Waters, Big Fish

When fishermen think of big bass, they often focus upon large lakes and will drive hundreds of miles to cast lures into sprawling impoundments often besieged by other anglers. […]

Other Hunting

Armchair Quail

As sportsmen, we rightly herald the grand comeback stories associated with South Carolina’s two most popular game species: the whitetail deer and the wild turkey. […]

Offshore Fishing

Tuna Helpers

Mention tuna to anglers, and it might bring mental images of a small section of boiling ocean as yellowfins feed relentlessly. […]

Offshore Fishing

Target: Frozen Fish

Cold water isn’t always bad. The cooler ocean temperatures of February lure bottomfish much closer to the shoreline to spawn around shipwrecks, livebottom areas, and artificial reefs. […]


Can’t buy new? You can update old

Can’t buy new? You can update At the risk of sounding like a naysayer or doomsday prophet, I think it’s safe to say there are many of us who would like to replace the boat we have but don’t see it as something that is going to happen in the near future. […]