Bigeye facts
Dr. Craig Brown, chief of the highly migratory species branch of NOAA Fisheries in Miami is an expert on bigeye tuna biology. Here are some of his observations: […]
Dr. Craig Brown, chief of the highly migratory species branch of NOAA Fisheries in Miami is an expert on bigeye tuna biology. Here are some of his observations: […]
Albacore are an unusual visitor to offshore waters out of most North Carolina ports, but one showed up unexpectedly last weekend in the fish box of an Oak Ridge couple. […]
Two huge yellowfin tuna – the two biggest ever – have been caught in the past couple of months, but only one is being considered for a new world record. John Petruescu caught a 445-pound yellowfin just before sunrise on Dec. 9 while fishing on the Excel, a long-range charterboat out of San Diego, Calif., Although his fish surpassed the existing world record by a full 40 pounds, it was will not be considered as a possible world record because the boat’s captain grabbed the fishing rod twice during the fight, disqualifying it under the rules of the International Game Fish Association (IGFA). […]
Big fatty fish bring the highest prices at market, and small bluefins are of low value. […]
A yellowfin tuna tagged nine years ago off the South Carolina coast was caught last year along West Africa near Mauritania, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources has learned. […]
On Saturday (March 12), Corey Shultz of Waverly, Va. hooked into what is expected to become a part of Tar Heel fishing history. […]
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