
Seeing Red

Having the eyesight of an eagle isn’t required to be a successful red drum fisherman, but it certainly helps.

In fact it helps most of the time. […]


All Aboard for Specks

The morning broke cold and clear as Windsor Barrow and his fishing partner, Elton Harrison, left New Bern, heading for the Hoboken area and the backwater bays of Pamlico Sound. […]


Yakety Tracks

Gliding silently across the mirror-like surface of the water, Ernie Williams effortlessly eased around a grassy point and positioned himself near the overhang of a marsh bank. […]


Baa, Baa Dock Sheep

The day was clear and bright, with the sun high overhead. Boats buzzed along the ICW and navigation channels in and around Wrightsville Beach on their way to far off destinations. […]