Turkey Hunting

SCDNR asking for volunteers to participate in Summer Turkey Survey

Annually, since 1982, the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) conducts a Summer Turkey Survey to estimate reproduction and recruitment of wild turkeys in South Carolina. The survey involves agency wildlife biologists, technicians, and conservation officers, as well as many volunteers from other natural resource agencies and the general public. […]


Chatham County bowhunter drops trophy longbeard

After Jake Muehlbach took a few career bucks on his Chatham County hunting land last fall, he was ready to chase another dream — shooting a big tom turkey with his bow. And on the afternoon of April 18, a longbeard couldn’t resist the appeal of his Avian X hen decoy, making it easy for Muehlbach to check off that box on his bucket list.  […]


Rockingham County hunter bags 7-bearded gobbler

Stanley Farmer of Stoneville, N.C. was expecting to see a gobbler and probably get a shot when he headed to a series of connected food plots on a Rockingham County, N.C. farm shortly after lunch on April 17, but the long-time turkey hunter wasn’t prepared for either the show he was treated to, or the trophy turkey with seven beards he bagged around 1:30 p.m. […]