

Hunters have long been trying to block or camouflage their natural smell from game animals, using scent sprays to camouflage those aromas, storing their hunting clothes in containers that keep them away from unwanted odors or even buying clothes treated with scent blockers. […]


Feeling blue? You betcha!

If you wanting to get your string stretched to the limit by a big catfish in cold weather, you’ll be hard pressed to do better than South Carolna’s Lake Monticello. It is an real wintertime catfish destination for a couple of very good reasons. […]


Cold yaks, hot reds

Approaching the mouth of a creek, Noah Lynk warned a handful of kayakers that the water would be shallow, that they might bump bottom a time or two, and that they would have to wade back across it when the left — but he was certain the fishing would be worth it. […]