
On the Get-Go

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Do we fish the low tide, shallow water around the oyster banks or the high tide, shallow water in the grass? Or maybe we fish both, since the redfish are in both places in April. […]


2008 Saltwater Forecast

North Carolina’s saltwater hook-and-line anglers can expect a decent year during 2008 for many popular species, but one of the most pursued fish is in serious decline at central and southern coastal waters, according to the 2007 stock status report of the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries. […]

Freshwater Fishing

Month of wild flowers, mayflies

April is the month of wildflowers and mayflies.

Service trees, trillium, trout lily, wood anemone, bloodroot and chickweed are among the first wildflowers, and March Brown, Hendrickson and Quill Gordon are among the first mayflies to hatch in the spring. […]