Even though redfish spread out in the warmer months, they relate to low-tide, shallow-water flats all year because flats provide security from predators like the bottlenosed dolphin.
Many of the most-popular of those shallow fish-holding spots are highlighted on Top Spot map No. N233, which covers Hilton Head to St. Helena Sound. Knowing good low-tide spots provides indications where adjacent high-tide spots may be located. Add the right time of the tide and good technique, and you will catch fish.
For the Coosaw River and Morgan River areas, a good landing is at Sam’s Point. Good fish-holding spots include the Airport Flats near Warsaw Island, in the Coosaw River at the mouth of the Combahee River and docks and shoreline along both the upriver and downriver banks of Coosaw Island and Lady’s Island.
The Broad River, serviced by either the ramp at the foot of the Broad River bridge or the Chechessee River bridge, has lots of summer spots on the south side of the river. Try the Hazards Creek flats, the Rose Island flat and the Daws Island flats. The north side of the Broad has numerous creek mouths both above and below the bridge. You can also run over toward the May River and fish the flats and creek mouths along the way.
The Harbor River area has a wadable flat near the Harbor River Bridge that also holds fish at low tide. The interior portion of the river has a huge, shallow, low-tide called the Harbor River flats. This area is often accessed from the landing at the foot of the Fripp Island Bridge.
The Station Creek landing on St. Helena Island gives access to flats and shorelines of Trenchard’s inlet and out to the ocean front. Plenty of different fish species thrive in these waters.
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