Skinning squirrel a breeze with this technique

A small incision under the base of the tail is the start of a favored method for squirrel skinning, which finishes with the skin being “shucked.”

Top tips for quickly cleaning squirrel

Bob Glenn uses a method of skinning that keeps hair off the meat of a squirrel. He makes a small incision in the underside of the base of the tail, cuts through the tailbone and leaves the hair attached at the lower back. He extends the incision about one-half inch along the back of each rear legs.

He stands on a rock, using his boot to apply enough pressure to hold the tail securely at the incision. Gripping a hind leg in either hand, he lifts.

The skin peels free leaving a small, triangular piece of skin on the squirrel’s chest that extends to the bottom of the rib cage. Grabbing this tab of skin, in one hand and the squirrel with the other, he peels off what he calls the squirrel’s “little shirt” until the remaining skin on the front legs peels free.

He then cuts off the feet and head and removes the entrails. The method works best if the squirrel is still warm. Once the body temperature cools, skinning a squirrel gets tough, no matter the method used.

Editor’s note: This article is part of the Bushytails and Boomers feature in the October issue of North Carolina Sportsman. Digital editions can be downloaded right to your computer or smartphone.

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About Mike Marsh 357 Articles
Mike Marsh is a freelance outdoor writer in Wilmington, N.C. His latest book, Fishing North Carolina, and other titles, are available at

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