Plant rice now for ducks!

Rice fields for ducks should be planted by early June and should be flooded immediately after germination to prevent competition from weeds.

The famed rice fields of the Mississippi Delta reel in ducks by the thousands each season, and for good reason. Rice is rich in carbohydrates and packed with energy. Most rice varieties planted for ducks in the Carolinas will have a 120-day maturation; therefore, impoundments must be planted by the first few weeks in June to have a viable food source for the early duck seasons.

If planted in fields or impoundments, rice should be drilled into a well-prepared seed bed no more than an inch deep. Not only do ducks love rice: These types of fields can be flooded immediately after germination, preventing any terrestrial weed competition. Fields should be flooded to around 12 inches for the best results.

Luckily, rice can be grown in wet places, including inundated areas. Yes, rice can be water-seeded into flooded beaver ponds and fields with shallow water. While not preferred, rice can be prepared and broadcast across open water, but the water must be clear, less than 12 inches deep and must come into direct contact with the soil. Rice seed must be soaked for 24 hours, drained, and then placed in a burlap sack and allowed to rest for another 24 hours in a warm place. Seeding rates should be increased to 60 to 80 pounds per acre for water seeding.

Rice can also be planted on pond edges, shorelines and within the upper limits of beaver ponds.

About Jeff Burleson 1309 Articles
Jeff Burleson is a native of Lumberton, N.C., who lives in Myrtle Beach, S.C. He graduated from N.C. State University with a degree in fisheries and wildlife sciences and is a certified biologist and professional forester for Southern Palmetto Environmental Consulting.

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