Predator management workshop

Workshop will be held at Webb Wildlife Center

The SCDNR is teaming up with the South Carolina Trappers Association to host a predator management workshop on Feb. 27 – 28. The workshop will be held at the Webb Wildlife Center located at 1282 Webb Avenue, Garnett, SC.

The workshop will cover a variety of topics, including predator biology, habitat management for deer, turkey, and quail, options for managing predators, trapping equipment, various trap sets, selecting and using bait and lures, safety, running a trap line, record keeping, and more.

The cost of the workshop is $120, which includes workshop materials, overnight accommodations at the Webb Wildlife Center, lunch and dinner on Thursday, and breakfast and lunch on Friday.

The registration deadline for the workshop is Feb. 19, and the event is limited to 30 people. Go to this link to register:

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