Patterning hogs in the early summer months can produce big if you key in on predictable early summer food sources. Hogs will travel for miles to hit their favorite food sources this time of year. Let’s look at some early summer hot spots and how to find them.
Wild onions
Hogs love onions and late May/early June is prime growing time. Spring growing season has hit its peak as summer approaches and this year’s first cut fields are showing up as farmers harvest fields. Landowners cutting their fields are calling as the hidden damage caused by hogs is discovered.
The high growth has provided cover for hogs until now. A local hot spot I hunt every June is a field that produces many wild onions. I found this spot when a landowner called me about damage and I found several groups of hogs feeding in the field. Night after night I would harvest hogs in the same field. As I inspected the damage further, I could smell the hog’s food of choice. The smell of onions filled the field and some light digging produced handfuls of their current favorite treat. I baited the area but never found hogs returning except when the wild onions were present in the field. I now key in on this area yearly in early summer.
The golden hot spot – wheat
The wheat fields are almost a golden brown, their tops are full of seeds as the first harvest of the year is weeks away. I have taken dozens of hogs off of the same wheat fields every other year according to the farmer’s planting rotation. If you find wheat you will find hogs. Sows will bring their family groups year after year to wheat fields and the hunter can key on this pattern for large numbers of hog harvests. Hogs will return night after night, often switching up times to gorge on the fallen wheat. There is no such thing as over-hunting your local wheat fields as many groups will travel long distances.
Hours after harvesting one group, another group will arrive from a different direction. Get on the wheat if you can find it. These are the days you dream of if you love hunting hogs.
Make the most of your hog hunting hot spot
Wild onions and wheat are two top hot spots to hunt for hogs. Right now may be the best time of year for numbers of hogs. Hunters can make the most of these areas by returning often and noting the times of their harvests.
Most if not all hogs will return for their favorite treats. The best approach is to rotate the times that you check these areas as well as checking them multiple times in a night. Sit on these areas longer than normal because they are such good producers this time of year. Take note of the conditions and time of year in your area and key in on this each and every year to produce more harvests.
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