Rougemont hunter downs trophy Granville County 9-pointer

Chris Currin Granville County buck
Chris Currin of Rougemont killed a beast of a buck in Granville County on Nov. 3, 2019.

He was expecting to see an 8-point buck

Chris Currin of Rougemont, N.C. killed a big Granville County 9-point buck that’s been green scored at 147 3/8 inches. But he thought he was hunting an 8-point buck that he’d been capturing on his trail cameras regularly. He’s certainly not complaining though!

Currin shot the big buck with a CVA Wolf muzzleloader paired with a 250-grain sabot.

Currin’s trail cameras did pick up on photo of the 9-pointer, but it was just a single photo, and it was last season. He never saw the buck in person, and his cameras never captured another photo of it. But a nice 8-point buck drew his attention this year after it began showing up on his cameras.

“I talked to a buddy about 2 miles up the road from me. He had the 8-point buck on camera in velvet this year. And that deer moved up to my property. It was showing up about once or twice a week, but mostly at dark. The closest he showed to daylight was 5:46 a.m.,” Currin said.

Nov. 3 was the second day of muzzleloader season in Currin’s area, and it was also the first day after changing our clocks to standard time from daylight savings time. Currin had been seeing bucks chasing does all around his house, so he decided to head to the stand that Sunday morning.

Currin pulled out a bag of tricks on the buck

“I decided to go sit on him because I knew I had does coming in every morning and evening during daylight hours. But I made it to the stand late, because I’d forgotten it would get light earlier with the time change. I made it to the stand at 6:20 and it was already daylight,” he said.

But the buck didn’t mind Currin’s late start. Especially after the hunter pulled a few tricks out of his bag to lure the buck in.

“I put out some Black Widow deer lure and hit my Extinguisher grunt call. Then I rattled my Black Rack antlers a few times and just sat there. Nothing. About 10 minutes later, I did the same thing,” he said.

This time, however, the buck responded.

“I saw a shadow of the deer coming through the thick part of sapling. I thought it was the 8-pointer I had been getting on my trail cameras. But when he turned, I saw that it was the 9. I waited until he stepped from behind the tree and put my crosshairs on his front shoulder and squeezed the trigger. I was so excited, I must have pulled to the left a bit and hit him in the neck. He dropped on the spot. I was ecstatic,” he said.

Currin called a buddy of his, who brought his kids over to help celebrate and load the buck up.

Click here to read about Tootie Morris’ big Granville County buck from earlier this season.

About Brian Cope 3053 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at

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