Newberry teen reached out and touched big 8-pointer?

Bryson Longshore, then 13, took this nice 8-point buck at a range of 600 yards in October 2013.

A couple of years ago, South Carolina Sportsman featured an incredible story about Bryson Longshore, a 13-year-old Newberry middle-school student who killed a 20-inch, 8-point buck at a cool 600 yards.

The story sparked debate on how long a shot was too long, and whether is it responsible to attempt such a shot, especially from what readers perceived to be an inexperienced hunter.

Eddie Wilson, Longshore’s uncle and a witness to the feat, said all of the elements described above were in place which allowed him to score a kill at 600 yards.

“The distance was known on the day he made that shot,” said Wilson. “We had the right equipment. He was using my 7mm Ultra-Mag which had been sighted in for this distance, hunting along a power line on our property. Plus, the boy is a good shot. He’s shot with us and knew he could make the shot and he did.”

No rules govern how far a shot at a deer in South Carolina may be attempted, and some hunters may approach a trophy deer with the “Wonder if I can hit that deer?” mentality.

The deciding factor would be a self analysis beforehand, knowing whether the elements of dependable equipment and ammo, an appropriate skill level and a solid rest are in place, so you’re not just throwing up a Hail Mary and hoping for the best.

About Phillip Gentry 825 Articles
Phillip Gentry of Waterloo, S.C., is an avid outdoorsman and said if it swims, flies, hops or crawls, he's usually not too far behind.

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