Lee County youngster bags two bucks in an hour

Twelve-year-old Kody McCutchen had his best hunting day when he killed these two rack bucks in a one-hour period on Nov. 12.

Lee County’s Kody McCutchen hunts with his dad Kirk almost every Saturday morning during deer season, but Nov. 12 was different. Kirk was holding a yard sale and couldn’t make it, so Kody’s cousin Kyle McCutchen Kody’s cousin picked him up for a day of dog-driving that turned into his best day of hunting ever.

A 12-year-old who attends Robert E. Lee Academy, Kody McCutcheon killed an 8-point buck and a 10-point buck barely an hour apart on the family’s hunting club land near St. Charles.

“I dropped Kody off in the field, and once everyone else was in place, I turned the dogs loose about 7:30,” Kyle McCutcheon said. “Around 10 o’clock, I heard a shot. I went over to where Kody was and saw he had killed a nice 8-pointer.”

That kill was worth a celebration.

“He’s killed a few deer with small racks before, but nothing worth mounting,” Kyle McCutchen said. “This was his first really nice deer.

“He was definitely excited, but he was kind of speechless, too. It hadn’t quite hit him yet.”

The 8-pointer weighed 190 pounds and sported a rack that was 15 ½ inches wide inside the beams.

Some of the other members of the hunt club gathered to congratulate the young McCutchen, and they placed his trophy in the clubhouse freezer. Kody McCutcheon called his dad to share the good news.

“I thought he was joking at first, but I was happy to find out he wasn’t,” Kirk McCutchen said.

Sporting an ear-to-ear grin, Kody McCutchen joined the rest of the party as they went back to hunting.

Less than an hour later, standing in another field, the youngster’s best day got even better when the dogs pushed another deer his way. Again, his aim was true, and he put the second deer on the ground with a buckshot load from his Remington 12-gauge.

His speechless period ended, and Kody McCutchen called his dad again to tell him he had just killed an even better deer — this time a 10-pointer that tipped the scales at just over 180 pounds.

The rest of the hunting party told Kirk McCuthen he better do real well on that yard sale.

“We told him he better make enough money to pay for two deer mounts,” Kyle McCutchen said.

See other bucks killed this season – and add photos of your own – in the South Carolina Sportsman Bag-a-Buck Contest!

About Brian Cope 2747 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at brianc@sportsmannetwork.com.

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