Dress up for cold hunting weather

Dressing in layers and keeping your head, face and neck covered and warm will allow you a more-comfortable late-season hunting experience.

Perhaps the most important element of hunting in cold weather is knowing how to dress. Layering is critical for success in the cold.

I start with a performance long-sleeve T-shirt, followed by a wool shirt, covered with a wool sweater and finally a down coat. For my lower extremities, I begin with a pair of performance long underwear, followed by insulated underwear and insulated pants. For my feet, I use ThermaCell’s remote-controlled heated boot insoles. Placing these heated insoles in your insulated boots can save a hunt. By using the remote to adjust the heat, you can keep your feet comfortable in the most-extreme conditions.

Without question, one of the most-important elements in staying warm regardless of the temperature is a balaclava, which covers your head, face and neck. A friend of mine from Maine said, “When my feet are cold, I put a scarf on.” Keeping your head and neck warm is the most-crucial part of staying warm on stand.

Hunters who are still carrying a bow have to be careful, because putting too many layers on that will limit the ability to draw your bow. Practice with these layers on to get comfortable with these layers then when the moment of truth happens, you are ready.

About Pete Rogers 167 Articles
Pete Rogers of Taylors, S.C., is employed with the USDA Wildlife Services and has been a sporting writer and photographer for over a decade. He has a real passion for trapping and enjoys sharing his outdoors experiences with his wife and five children.

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