A late-season deer hunter’s kit

Take a look at places you don’t regularly hunt early in the season or during the rut. They may be sanctuary areas where bucks spend a lot of time late in the season.

Comfort makes a real difference for the deer hunter at any time during the season, but late in the year, there’s the greatest likelihood of rain, snow or chilling cold. It’s easy enough to prepare for long hours afield in such conditions, and the hunter who perseveres in comfort is one who keeps still and alert. Here is a checklist of “must-have” gear specific to late-season hunting.

• Hand warmers — and warms for feet and body if you are concerned about cold.

• First-rate head gear. More heat escapes through the head than anywhere else, and if you keep your noggin’ warm, the rest of your body should be comfortable. There are various options, including pullovers with eye slits, balaclavas, scarves or bands that wrap around your neck and ears, or toboggans.

• Warm, comfortable boots. Along with the head, the feet are the primary source of hunter discomfort from the cold. Boots should be insulated and waterproof.

• Suitable clothing. Fleece is warm and quiet.

• Good rain gear, including a hood.

• One of the many devices available to determine which way the wind is blowing.

• A pee bottle.

• A comfortable cushion for ladder or climbing stands, a chair with decent back support for ground blinds or shooting houses, or one of the dandy “lounger” type seats used by turkey hunters.

• Water and high-energy snacks.

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