Anchoring setup

The “quick-release” anchoring setup allows an angler to get off of the hook in a hurry if a fish runs close to the anchor line or even wraps around it.

There are up to a dozen sections of anchor line with eyes spliced into them, connected by quick-release stainless steel carabineer clips. When the anchor is set and the line comes tight, the boat should be positioned so that one of the carabineers can simply be clipped onto the bow cleat. When large redfish head for the bow and cross underneath the anchor line, the captain should put the boat in forward gear to create a little slack, then unclip the carabineer to create a gap. Fish can be worked through the anchor line this way.

In addition, you can use the system to chase an especially large drum and still return to your prime anchoring location. If you have a trophy fish on, just clip your anchor line to a 9-inch “Poly Ball” and leave the anchor where it is. After you have caught and released your drum, you can motor back and re-attach to the anchor, leaving you right back where you got the initial bite.

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