Cape Fear Wildlife Expo is this weekend

The 10th Annual Cape Fear Wildlife Expo will be held this weekend at Fayetteville, N.C.'s Crown Complex Arena.

Friday through Sunday at the Crown Complex Arena in Fayetteville

As March’s weather continues to tease us with warm, sunny days interrupted by cold, wind, rain, and even snow, many outdoorsmen across the Carolinas are looking forward to a sure-fire outing this weekend during the 10th Annual Cape Fear Wildlife Expo at the Crown Complex Arena in Fayetteville, N.C.

This is a family festival celebrating the outdoors, and it begins this Friday, March 16 and runs through Sunday. It is one of the last outdoor shows of the year, and will give you a chance to stock up on all your outdoor needs, and also to check out the wildlife art and decoy displays, have a book signed by one of the regional outdoor writers, watch decoy-carving demonstrations, and line up some great adventures with hunting and fishing guides and outfitters.

While walking around the show, be sure to stop by the Triangle Pond Management booth for information to help keep your farm pond in great shape, check out booths by The Fallen Outdoors and Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing to see how these organizations provide great outdoor moments for our wounded veterans, visit with the 704 Outdoors TV folks to check out all the great hunts these guys and gals participate in, and take a look at the fishing tackle of yesteryear in the Carolina Antique Tackle booth,.

Set up a hunting or fishing trip with one of the many outfitters, see what upcoming classes will be offered at the NC Wildlife Pechmann Fishing Education Center, visit with the Bottom Feeders Fishing Club, check out the awesome watercraft of the Carolina-based Rose Bay Boats booth, and many other booths filled with outdoor-related gear, trips, and information.

And as always, stop by the Carolina Sportsman Magazine booth for great show specials on our magazine subscriptions, t-shirts, and hats.

The show is open Friday from 9-7, Saturday from 9-7, and Sunday from 10-5.

About Brian Cope 3053 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at

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