Monroe huntress downs 9-point, 230-pound buck

230-pound buck

She shot the 230-pound buck with a .308

Holly Kiker of Monroe, N.C. killed a 9-point, 230-pound buck on Nov. 14, 2021 during an afternoon hunt in Stanly County. It’s the first buck she’s ever killed after 9 years of hunting.

“I have been hunting for 9 years and had not killed a buck. I’ve been really discouraged since it is year 9 and it feels like everyone around me kept getting big deer,” said Kiker.

She had never seen this buck in the flesh, and she did not have any trail camera photos of the deer. Kiker was sitting in a tower stand overlooking a field when the deer showed up. She shot the 230-pound buck with a Mossberg ATR .308 from 150 yards away.

Kiker almost didn’t sit in the tower stand. She resisted after it became a haven for another form of wildlife.

“My husband talked me into sitting in this tower stand that I did not want to sit in. An owl had decided to take it over and it smelt so bad. I finally gave in and sat in the stand,” she said.

This buck made the 9-year wait worthwhile

It was a good decision, and she’s glad her husband finally persuaded her to hunt there.

“At 4:40 p.m., he walked out straight in front of me about 200 yards. All I could see was he was symmetrical and out past his ears. So I knew what I had to do,” she said.

Kiker kept her calm as the deer closed the distance to her stand.

“He walked out into the field and was walking slow and looking around. I took three good, deep breaths and shot his right shoulder. He ran a couple of yards and made it into the tree line,” she said.

She found the buck just inside that tree line. Kiker said the big deer made her long wait very well worth it.

“He made waiting 9 years worth it! I’m super thankful and blessed,” she said.

The 9-point, 230-pound buck’s rack measured 19 3/4 inches wide.


Congratulations to Kiker, who is now entered in our Bag-A-Buck contest. Click here to enter your buck in the Carolina Sportsman Bag-A-Buck contest. We’re giving away some great monthly prizes, as well as a Grand Prize that includes a Millennium M25 hang-on deer stand and a 2-man, 2-day hunt for deer and hogs at Cherokee Run Hunting Lodge in Chesterfield, S.C.

About Brian Cope 3066 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at

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