Durham North Carolina
Wicked Ridge Crossbow
34 yards
Elevated stand
Tracked it about 70 yards
Yes both. Seen on cam about two weeks before the season, saw in person two days before the season, and had many trail cam pics during season
We initially started seeing the buck on cam about two weeks before the season. We had the pleasure of seeing him about two days before the season from the stand. We played cat and mouse with this buck once the season started due to Mason’s older brother and Dad hunting another location for a buck they had watched all summer. So, the couple times we did hunt, the buck was a no show. It was raining terribly the afternoon we were sitting but I had a feeling if the rain would let up there was a good chance he would pop out. The rain did end up letting up and about 4 does started rolling in. About ten minutes later I (Dad) spotted the buck with a couple younger bucks about 80 yards out as he stood and watched the does to make sure everything was safe. After about another 15 minutes the buck started working his way in and popped out at 34 yards. Mason got the crossbow ready and let the arrow fly. An absolute perfect shot in the pump station. The buck mule kicked and took off. We waited a few minutes then the rain turned into a torrential downpour. I had no choice but to get down and look at the arrow and see if I could find blood nearby to know the general area he went. Fortunately I found a huge amount of blood about 50 yards away where he crossed a road and that gave me a good idea where he would be. I waited another 10 minutes or so and told my wife with the rain picking up again I had to go look for him before it got dark because the blood would probably be gone. I went back to where I found blood on the road and walked about 30 yards into the woods where he was laying. This is Mason’s biggest buck so far and only his third buck ever.