Jerrod Reeves’ chocolate-horned rack


Chocolate-horned rack was killed in lowcountry

It’s always great to see the unique racks on bucks killed every deer season, and this chocolate-horned buck killed by Jerrod Reeves is a perfect example. Reeves killed the buck in South Carolina’s lowcountry on Aug. 18, 2023.

According to the National Deer Association, the color of a buck’s rack can be determined by a number of factors, including genetics, environment, and the deer’s age and behavior. Darker racks usually contain more moisture and minerals, and are often a sign the deer ate a highly nutritious diet. Dark antlers are also sometimes colored that way due to the deer rubbing its antlers on certain types of trees that have a very high sap content.

No matter how Reeves’ buck got it’s dark antlers, it sure is a beauty, and is a prime example of how size isn’t the only factor that determines whether a deer is a trophy or not.


Bag A Buck Contest

Congratulations to Reeves, who is now in the running for our monthly prize of a free 1-year subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, a Mini Maglite, an 18-ounce Yeti Rambler, and other prizes, as well as our Grand Prize, which includes a 3-year-subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, a 2-day two-person hunt at Cherokee Run Hunting Lodge in Chesterfield, SC, and other prizes to be determined.

See all the bucks entered so far, and upload yours at, or email photo and detailed info to

About Brian Cope 2747 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at

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